Complete for time
Run 1 mile
Complete AMRAP in 10 mins of:
6 Deadlifts, 50% of 1RM
12 Toes to bar
Run 1 mile
Okay, we have created a CrossFit Virtus You Tube channel, CrossFitVirtus2011. We are experimenting with a few videos and uploads, so please be patient as we upload videos to the channel. Chrissy, Julie, Julie and Cathy…No, you will not get bonus points for this one :).
By Will January 23, 2012 - 02:19
Cool deal! Glad y’all started a YouTube channel. I have a good bit of video over the last months. I’ll be sure to copy it to jump drive and bring it to the box!
By Spunky January 23, 2012 - 05:17
No bonus points?!? Awww come on! LOL