I am very proud of our CrossFit Virtus Athlete, Hayley Smith, and former CFV strong girl, Greta Savion for competing in the Ragin Games this past Saturday. Greta finished 9th and Hayley finished 10th in their division. It was also great to cheer on a fellow CrossFit athlete, Randi Wimberly from CF 225. This was Randi’s first time competing as an RX athlete. Great job, ladies.
Snatch – 5 x 3 (~70-80%)
Snatch pull – 4 x 4
Pause back squat – 4 x 3
Feel out weights for each exercise that are challenging but not max efforts.
10 rounds
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Work up to a heavy load…No missed attempts
5 rounds for time of:
20 Burpees
10 Barbell bent-over row, 95/65