Dude that was tough today. This was just one of those mornings where mentally, I was pumped up and ready, but starting out the WOD, I got 12 reps in at 205 and hit the wall. I’m glad you pulled me back to 155 so I could keep going but man even my legs felt dead during the run. Physically, I just wasn’t there today but I’m glad I pushed through. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
By Will June 9, 2011 - 02:05
Holy smoke…..this is gonna hurt. I’m going to bed.
By Will June 9, 2011 - 12:32
Dude that was tough today. This was just one of those mornings where mentally, I was pumped up and ready, but starting out the WOD, I got 12 reps in at 205 and hit the wall. I’m glad you pulled me back to 155 so I could keep going but man even my legs felt dead during the run. Physically, I just wasn’t there today but I’m glad I pushed through. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
By Jared LeBouef June 9, 2011 - 15:13
Great job Will. Agreed it was a tough one but you rocked through it. Keep on killing it my boy.
By Will June 9, 2011 - 16:04
Man were you even at the Box today? You finished so fast it was almost like you werent there! LOL!