It’s who we are:
Seldom do I take the opportunity to use this blog as most blogs are intended. Rather, it is used to post our daily WOD or tips/techniques for self-rehab and mobilization or other CrossFit silliness. So, I guess I will use it as a blog post this evening.
I attended the “Battle of the Fittest” partner competition hosted by CrossFit Alexandria this past Saturday. Nick Sanchez was the only athlete from CrossFit Virtus that competed. While being there for over the course of 4 WODs that lasted over 12 hours, I had ample time to think of the athletes at Virtus, how they would stack up to those competing, the CrossFit Open Sectionals (how to prepare), programming, our very first competition as an Affiliate (Fight Gone Bad, LA Style)…really everything that makes up our community of athletes. What I realized is that many of us found this sport because of our desire to better ourselves mentally and physically. I also noticed time and time over during the competition the selflessness of nearly every athlete competing. It goes without saying that the judges and volunteers devoted their time and energy to the event coordinators and athletes competing. This selflessness demonstrated by these people is what drew me to love this community so much. And because this was a partner competition it took every ounce of energy from both athletes to be equally successful.
Many of you that are rather new to CrossFit still may not understand the concept of the Girls workouts or more importantly Hero workouts. But, when I began my CrossFit journey over 4 years ago (pre-Reebok), I was astonished at how much CrossFit paid tribute to others by creating workouts in honor of those who gave everything. I know it seems crazy to some to do a workout to honor fallen soldiers, marines, firefighter, police, etc, but to many, we use it as a way to share the pain and suffering of those affected by such tragedy. For me, it is a reminder of the atrocities associated with the realities of the world we live in that others would rather turn a blind eye to. For us, it is who we are.
“Hotshots 19”
Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
135 pound Power clean, 19 reps
7 Strict Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
Photo courtesy of