Lurong Living Paleo Challenge
WOD #4 – Peranormal
Block 1:
9 Thrusters
27 Double/Single Unders
Block 2:
11 Thrusters
33 Double/Single Unders
Block 3:
13 Thrusters
39 Double/Single Unders
And so on….
Weight for Thrusters:
Level 3 – 95/75
Level 2 – 75/55
Level 1 – 55/35
This couplet of Thrusters and Double/Single Unders will be in 3 minute blocks of 2 rounds per block. If you complete the 2 rounds within the 3 minute block, you will get another 3 minutes of Thrusters and Double/Single Unders (depending on level).
At the sound of “3,2,1 Go” the athlete will perform 9 Thrusters followed by 27 Double/Single Unders. After the 27 Double/Single Unders the athlete will repeat another 9 Thrusters and 27 Double/Single Unders. The athlete may then rest the remaining time, until the 3 minute mark.
Round 2 the athlete will perform 2 rounds of 11 Thrusters and 33 Double/Single Unders. The athlete must complete their final double under before the 3 minute block is up. If they are unsuccessful the workout is over and their total reps will be tallied.
Each round the Thrusters will increase by 2 reps from the previous round and the Double/Single Unders will increase by 6 reps from the previous round. Each Thruster and each Double/Single Under is worth 1 rep. The athlete will earn additional 3 minute blocks until they are not able to complete the 2 rounds in the 3 minute block.
Your score will be the total number of reps completed.