
Lurong Living Paleo Challenge WOD #7

As Many Reps As Possible in 7 mins:
6 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 70/53 (KB)

Level 2:
Hand-release push ups
KBS, 53/35
Sumo Deadlift (NO HIGH PULL), 53/35 (KB)

Level 1:

Hand-release push ups (on knees)
Russian KBS, 35,18
Sumo Deadlift (NO HIGH PULL), 35/18 (KB)

Handstand Push Ups
The movement begins at the top of a handstand with the arms fully locked out, the heels on the wall. At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the ground. At the top of each rep, the arms return to fully locked out with the heels on the wall and within the width of the marked area. Kipping is allowed. For the setup, the athlete may either use a flat gymnastics mat, or 25lb plates on each side of an ab-mat.

Hand Release Push Ups
The movement starts with the athlete at the top of a plank position, arms straight and completely locked out. At the bottom of each rep, the athlete’s chest must clearly touch the ground; hands come off the mats so that one’s body is resting on the ground. At the top of the rep when the athlete has pressed out, the arms are clearly locked and one’s body is back into the original plank. Athletes are not allowed to ‘worm out’ or lose Mid-Line Stabilization as they press out.

Hand Release Push Ups from the Knees
The movement starts with the athlete at the top of a plank position, knees on the mat, hips forward, and arms straight and completely locked out. At the bottom of each rep, the athlete’s chest must clearly touch the ground; hands come off the mats so that one’s body is resting on the ground. At the top of the rep when the athlete has pressed out, the arms are clearly locked and one’s body is back into the original starting position.

American Kettle Bell Swing
Each swing must demonstrate control at the top and clear to the height where the kettle bell is vertically over the athlete’s head with the elbows at full extension; at profile you should see head come through arms at extension. Knees hips and elbows must be completely locked out and the kettle bell must be directly over the feet at extension in order for the rep to count.

Russian Kettle Bell Swing
In the Russian KB swing, each swing must demonstrate control throughout the movement, and the kettle bell must reach a height allowing the arms to break parallel to the ground. Knees hips and elbows must be completely locked when above parallel is reached. At the bottom of the rep the kettle bell must return below the hips and over the feet.

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
This movement starts with the athlete standing with the feet making a wide base. The repetition starts with the athlete in the squat holding the kettle bell touching the ground and finishes with hips, and knees at full extension and the hands in the high pull position defines by the hands and top of the kettle bell handle being even with the chest.

Sumo Deadlift No High Pull
This movement starts with the athlete standing with the feet making a wide base. The repetition starts with the athlete in the squat holding the kettle bell and finishes with the arms, hips, and knees at full extension with the shoulders behind the kettle bell. There is no “high-pull” in this movement for Level 2 and Level 1.

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