Back Squat – 73% (3 x 10) (up wt on last set if you can – no failed reps)
Hang snatch (mid-thigh) – 70% (5 x 3) (up wt on last 2 sets if you feel good)
Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip) – 85% (3 x 3)
Overhead Squat – 70% (5 x 3) (up wt on last 2 sets if you feel good)
For time:
50 meter farmers walk 70/53
25 Handstand push up
50 meter farmers walk
25 CTB chin ups
50 wall balls, 20/14
25 toes to bar
50 wall balls
25 Handstand push up
… clock starts immediately upon completion and scored as a second workout
300 double unders for time