Test 4: Deadlift 1 RM followed by a max set of Handstand Push-ups
Performance: Ramp up to a one-rep max and within 30 seconds of completing the deadlift begin the handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups must bring the ears below the hands so they needs to be done on parallel bars, parallettes, or some other raised platform like chairs or books. Using the wall for balance is O.K.
Scoring: Multiply the deadlift load in pounds by the number of handstand push-ups completed.
Modifications: There are two options for modification of this test. The first is to provide manual assistance to the handstand push-ups. Typically, this is done by lifting the athlete by the calves or ankles. Alternately, where even the handstand is a challenge, the substitute exercise is a shoulder press.
Character: This duo represents a reasonable estimate of an athlete’s total strength – relative and absolute, upper and lower body.
Workout: This test can be practiced as a workout of three to five repetitions of the test, resting in between efforts as needed.
By Will August 15, 2011 - 00:36
I need everyone to make sure they warmup as soon as they get to the box tomorrow morning. This WOD is going to take some time as we have to build up to your 1 rep max on deadlift before we execute it and move to HSPU’s. Focus on warming up the back by doing multiple reps of deadlift with just the bar. Then we will move into heavier loads at a prescribed weight. I’ll have it diagramed on the board for you. Also make sure to do some mobility exercises with your shoulders so you are ready for handstand pushups. See y’all in the morning.
By Sara August 15, 2011 - 18:31
Amazing numbers this morning. Many new personal records set by our CrossFitters. Great work. You should be proud. That is a direct reflection of your hard work and dedication to this sport.
By Jeremy August 15, 2011 - 22:21
Great job everyone!