
Deadlift – Choose the type based on your experience/ability.

10-8-6-4-2 reps

Snatch-grip with 2 in. deficit

2 rounds, :30s on/:30s off:
Hollow Position Hold
Superman Hold
V-Sit Hold
Good Morning Hold (45/35)

Snatch-Grip DL with deficit – may be performed while standing on 25 lb plates. The athlete must be able to demonstrate adequate range of motion in the hips, knees and ankles while maintaining a strong lumbar curve. This exercise is very demanding on the posterior chain and should only be performed by more experienced lifters/athletes.

Snatch-grip DL – The athlete must be able to demonstrate adequate range of motion in the hips, knees and ankles while maintaining a strong lumbar curve. Keep the butt down and the chest up throughout the entire range of motion.

Conventional – This should be performed for most new athletes that are relatively unfamiliar with the Snatch movement or lack adequate range of motion to perform the movement at a more advanced level.

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