Complete 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Deadlifts, 155/95
20 Kettlebell swings, 53/35
30 Abmat sit-ups
9 AM (weightlifting):
Clean & Jerk, 1 RM
Rest 3 mins between attempts
For Load:
5 X 3, Front Sqauat
Rest 2 mins between rounds
a) 5 X 3, Clean pulls
b) ME, Hand-stand push ups
Rest 1 min between sets
Note: For the Clean and Jerk, work up to a 1 Rm with perfect form. The jerk may be either a power jerk or split jerk. Use that weight to begin your front squats. If possible, increase the load between rounds. If you are a HSPU ninja, perform your HSPU with a deficit. Ideally, I want you to work on kipping HSPU. There is more carry-over to the Jerk than performing strict HSPU. The pulls and HSPUs are a super set. Perform the pulls and go into the HSPU. Your beginning weight for your pulls should be where you finished with your FS.
By Will October 20, 2012 - 04:27
Don’t forget to start with a 400m run in each round of the Foundations WOD. Typo no doubt.