Loved the WOD this morning. I was pumped after throwing weights around…then humbled by my own body weight when trying to do L-sits. Thats alright, gimme a couple of months and I’ll nail em. Great job by the team this morning. I really like working out in a group like this.
By Will May 9, 2011 - 12:31
Loved the WOD this morning. I was pumped after throwing weights around…then humbled by my own body weight when trying to do L-sits. Thats alright, gimme a couple of months and I’ll nail em. Great job by the team this morning. I really like working out in a group like this.
By Cecil May 9, 2011 - 12:57
Always great to go heavy on Thrusters! Awesome work by everyone on the lifts. Hopefully, we will see some PRs in the upcoming months…L-sits.