Wow, full house this morning and more new faces! Welcome to Sydney! I’m so glad as did the WOD from the squat rack! My shoulders still need a break from last week!
The afternoon crew came in and turned in some really impressive weight as well. Having the morning posts on the board really pushed the guys and gals this afternoon, I think. What a great group of competitive athletes. Great work everyone!
By Will June 27, 2011 - 01:23
This should be fun!
By Will June 27, 2011 - 01:25
Do you have to clean the weight first? Or can you start from the rack?
By Will June 27, 2011 - 13:43
Wow, full house this morning and more new faces! Welcome to Sydney! I’m so glad as did the WOD from the squat rack! My shoulders still need a break from last week!
By Matt June 27, 2011 - 13:57
Strong work today Will. Wish I could move weight like that.
By Will June 27, 2011 - 17:24
Thanks man, but that’s my only strength…I need a lot of work in other domains.
By Cecil June 28, 2011 - 02:07
The afternoon crew came in and turned in some really impressive weight as well. Having the morning posts on the board really pushed the guys and gals this afternoon, I think. What a great group of competitive athletes. Great work everyone!